Wednesday, September 27, 2006

9/11 WTC Demolition Conspiracy Revealed!!!

I love conspiracy theories! I love 'em, love 'em, love 'em!

They're fabulous entertainment, and here's the latest. This one is quite well done, focusing on the steel construction of the World Trade Center towers and how the jets alone couldn't have brought them down.

Oh, it's got the usual stuff, the rate of fall, explosive squibs, and all of that. But it's got shots of wreckage I've never seen, photos of other buildings that collapsed, explanations of how controlled demolitions work, and much, much more! It is so, so deliciously plausible that the towers and WTC 7 were brought down by demolition.

But I won't accept that as fact.

Please don't be glum, my conspiracy buff friends! I'm not out to rain on your parade. I aim to point the way to take this from theory to fact to general acceptance, if indeed the towers were imploded.

You see stodgy plodders like me understand that a theory is just a plausible explanation for an observed phenomenon. Before such can be accepted by methodical truth seekers, it must predict something that can be observed or tested. Scientists want a paper describing the theory and testing in exhaustive detail, so that they can recreate the test and satisfy themselves that you were sound in your methodology.

Oy, that's not entertaining at all! Please stick with me, it gets better.

If you can do this, you will gain allies who can hold a press conference, have reporters come, and be believed!

So how do you test the demolition theory? Metal!

You see, imploding a building requires that support beams be cut with high energy explosives. These substances leave traces in the remains of the beams. Find that metal, get it tested for explosive residue, and learn the truth.

Does that sound like a daunting task? Take heart. For inspiration, consider the story of the guys who exposed the CIA's network of rendition flights. They tested the theory that prisoners were sent to other countries by predicting the necessity of a CIA flight network and then found those flights.

They used the internet and a worldwide network of airplane spotter enthusiasts to gather their observations, and blew the CIA's cover. I'm thinking there are a whole lot more 9/11 conspiracy buffs than airplane spotters. You just need to track down WTC metal, and get it to this guy. He'll do the rest.

I'm pulling for you because, as I said, it's a plausible explanation. And if you do, the next step is answering the question: who did it?

Our government? As Richard Clarke pointed out, "The government is not sufficiently competent to pull off such conspiracies and too leaky to keep them secret." You've seen this government in action! What Clarke says makes sense.

So, if the Feds didn't do it, who did?

I'll just point out that Osama bin Laden grew up in the family business, the bin Laden Group, which is the largest construction company in Saudi Arabia.

Do you think he knows any demolition experts? It's plausible, isn't it? It would be massively embarrassing to the government if al Qaeda not only got 19 hijackers past our security, but three demolition teams and their explosives as well. Wouldn't that explain our government's reluctance to even consider the possibility?

It could be true.

But I won't accept it as fact, and now you know why.

But don't get distracted, take it one step at a time. You've got metal to find!


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